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Climate Commission

Peggy Keller

Peggy Keller MPH, CPM, is President & CEO of HealthBest Services, Inc, an entity that empowers individuals and organizations to build prepared, healthy, and safe communities that are diverse, inclusive, and equitable through planning and training. HBS is currently contracted through MWCOG to conduct racial equity education and training for MWCOG member agencies and District agencies. Peggy serves as a commissioner on the Washington DC Commission on Climate Change and Resiliency as a public health SME.

With a background in environmental public health and public health emergency preparedness, Peggy previously served in DC Health as the Director of Emergency Preparedness and Community Resilience, overseeing health and medical planning, medical countermeasures, zoonotic diseases and the Vulnerable Populations Community and HealthCare Coalition. She frequently presents on environmental justice, disaster preparedness, climate change, health equity and DEIA principles.