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Climate Commission

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Welcome to the District of Columbia Commission on Climate Change and Resiliency

The Commission on Climate Change & Resiliency is an independent body charged to assess the District’s actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Through quarterly meetings, the Commission reviews plans, policies, and programs and advises the Mayor and Council. The Commission champions climate actions which serve residents in a just and equitable manner, protect infrastructure, and advance our economy and quality of life in the nation’s capital.

1101 4th Street, SW

1101 4th Street, SW
1101 4th Street, SW, Washington, DC, 20024


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Join us at the Knowledge Forum on Jan. 25!

Click link below to view the agenda and RSVP via Eventbrite.

Quarterly Meeting, March 13, 2025

Join our next meeting and hear the latest discussions on climate change in the District.

Connect With Us

We want to hear from you! Reach out with your thoughts, questions or ideas.

Commission Members & Staff

Commission Members & Staff

The Commission is composed of 16 members, 8 appointed by the Mayor and 8 by the City Council. Members represent a range of expertise to the Commission, reflecting the many facets of Climate Change.

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